Terms of Service

Blogify.ai Terms of Service
Last updated: June 13, 2023

Welcome to Blogify.ai. This Terms of Service Agreement ("Agreement") is a binding contract that sets forth the legal terms and conditions of your use of the Blogify.ai website, software, products, and services (collectively referred to as "Services").

This Agreement is entered into between you as the user ("User", "Subscriber", or "You"), and Blogify.ai ("we", "our", "us", or "Blogify.ai"). By using our Services, you confirm that you agree to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated herein. Your engagement with Blogify.ai and utilization of the Services provided constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement.

As with most digital platforms, this Agreement is subject to periodic changes, additions, and amendments, which we reserve the right to effect without providing prior notice. Changes to this Agreement will become effective upon their posting. Regular reviews of this Agreement are encouraged to ensure you remain informed about any modifications.
  1. Acceptance of Terms
    Your access and use of our Services confirm your acceptance of this Agreement and any modifications made to it over time. By using our Services, you signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Your engagement with Blogify.ai is a clear acknowledgment of your acceptance of these terms.
  2. Amendments and Modifications
    To keep pace with the changing environment, meet industry standards, and comply with legal requirements, we retain the right to modify this Agreement at any given time, effective immediately upon posting. We advise you to review this Agreement regularly to ensure you are updated about any changes made.
  3. Overview of Services
    Blogify.ai is a revolutionary AI-powered blogging platform designed to streamline the content creation process. We provide our users with a unique tool that repurposes video content from various platforms into well- structured, SEO-optimized blog posts in over 70 different languages.
  4. Video Content and Creator Rights
    At Blogify.ai, we respect and acknowledge the rights of original content creators. Therefore, you are required to provide appropriate attribution to the original creators of any video content used for generating blog posts. You are responsible for ensuring that you possess the necessary rights and permissions to use the video content and that any failure to do so will be at your risk.
  5. User Conduct and Responsibilities
    As a user of our Services, you are expected to adhere to our community guidelines, which are established to ensure that our platform remains safe and beneficial for all users. These guidelines prohibit the distribution of misleading, harmful, or inappropriate content. Blogify.ai reserves the right to take necessary actions, including content removal and account termination, against users who violate these guidelines or any part of this Agreement.
  6. Pricing Policy and Changes in Services
    Blogify.ai maintains the right to review and adjust its pricing structure and blog credit limits at any time. We will ensure that all users are adequately informed about these changes before they become effective. Additionally, we retain the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any part of our Services without prior notice.
  7. Limitation of Liability
    Blogify.ai will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from your use of our Services. In no event will we be liable for consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary damages. You agree to hold harmless and indemnify Blogify.ai, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees from any claim or demand.
  8. Prohibition of Misleading Information
    Blogify.ai has a strict policy against the dissemination of misleading, false, or harmful information through our platform. Violation of this policy can lead to account termination and possible legal action.
  9. Account Termination Policy
    We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Services, partially or entirely, for any reason, including but not limited to the violation of this Agreement.
  10. Intellectual Property Rights
    All intellectual property rights for our Services are retained by Blogify.ai. Any use of our Services must respect these rights and comply with international intellectual property laws.
  11. Privacy Policy
    Your use of our Services is governed by our separate privacy policy, which details our data collection, storage, and usage practices.
  12. Third-Party Accounts
    Users may have the option to link their Blogify.ai account to third-party accounts. By doing so, you agree to the continuous sharing of information about you in accordance with your privacy settings on these third-party sites.
Contact Us
For any inquiries, concerns, or clarifications regarding this Agreement or our Services, please contact us at [email protected]. We remain committed to addressing your concerns in the shortest time possible.

By using our Services, you affirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement. Your use of Blogify.ai signifies your acceptance of these terms and your agreement to be bound by them.